Friday 3 August 2012

Another succesfull work week at 24.5 hrs, hope my wellness continues.

Saturday 28 July 2012

I scheduled and successfully completed a 26 hr work week.  I've found working afternoons
best as I'm not leaving in the middle of a job and am there to help clean up at the end of
the day.  I've scheduled another 5 hr a day work week for next week and I plan on 
keeping this schedule up!

Wednesday 18 July 2012

To Anyone following my blog posts:
While I'm still following a high protein/fat diet, My supplement intake has dramatically decreased.
I'm able to work a consistent half day 3-4 days a week, but, I have been drinking as of late, only
3 or 4 beers I tell myself, but, I don't feel comfortable continuing with my posts with this new
consumption.  I will keep posting my work progress, and personal progress, and though I definitely
recommend the supplements I followed for a couple months to get me started, I will no longer be
following that program.  Sorry for any dissapointments, but I am doing well and working more
than I was.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

The big retail store didn't work out.  Apparently working night shifts doesn't agree with me.
My mental health has gone down after just 1 week, luckily my former boss for the construction
gig I was doing didn't hesitate to hire me back on.  The people there have been patient and
understanding with me when I'm unable to work due to my illness.  I realize now I'm not going
to find that anywhere else, and though things aren't moving as fast as I'd like, I'm resigned to be
patient with myself.  Plus I'm learning many trades, from demolition to carpentry to dry walling,
you name it and I'm learning.

Thursday 10 May 2012

I've been hired at the large retail store!  The past few days I've been changing my sleep patterns
for the night shift.  I plan on working the construction gig on my days off (when they're during
the week.)  The great thing about this large retail store is I can work as little as 20hrs and as many
as 40-48 hrs.  The pay is better than the construction and it won't be as back breaking.  I'm
extremely grateful to my boss for giving me the chance to work again, and learn about the
trades.  My diet is the same as the last post, and hopeful will have continued good news over
the next week.

Friday 4 May 2012

It's now been 5 weeks working!  I've been able to go in everyday this week for 4-6 hours at a time.
My body can't handle anymore of the hard labour.  My diet has been suffering as of late.  I've
introduced more carbohydrates to my diet while still taking all the supplements I listed earlier
only not as often.  I keep getting warned by family and friends not to overdue it ... but I feel
I have to try and push myself to do more to test my new limits.  Had an interview with
a large depot store and I'm waiting to hear back.  If I am hired I plan to stay with my construction
work ... and will lay out my plan if hired.

Saturday 21 April 2012

It's been 3 weeks now and I'm still working, still following my diet with the exception of my post-work meal (I indulge).  I've averaged 16 hours a week so far, my goal is to keep a more consistent schedule of 16-20 hours a week.  I'll be starting first thing in the morning (9:00am), this way my employers know when I will be there, and I'll work as long as I can (my goal is 4-5 hours).  This way I can work every day of the week and still keep medical appointments for the afternoon, when they occur.  I've been feeling frustrated lately, I have the motivation to work more, and improve my life, but I know I need to be patient with the process less I force a relapse due to too much stress.  My symptoms remain the same, only, I've found that the past few weeks I've been able to do whatever is I'm doing through them.